Gina Update 050510

This is a great picture of the back of Austin’s head as a result of Carl and him both landing in Loiyangalani, Kenya. They are currently on a quick mission planning trip there and then off to Germany to firm up plans with the German summer teen trip scheduled for Nepal.

Austin was blessed to hear that the only way Carl would be permitted to travel was if he had a personal bag carrier at his side since he isn’t allowed to lift or hold anything greater than 5 lbs. Hmmm… I had to think long and hard about that but now that I’ve survived Carl’s 6th Hernia repair… I’m beginning to get mentally prepared for the 7th. I have to make light of this difficult situation and just keep smiling all things considering. After all, God remains in charge and maybe continuous hernia repairs are just part of his perfect plan.

Other than that, Carl and I spent the weekend in Maine at our sending church’s mission conference- Machias Valley Baptist Church. I tell you what… the conference was fabulous and it was just amazing how God worked out all of the details, especially since we didn’t tell anyone that we were coming. Carl made sure that I had access to local scallops and chocolate. I know it’s a weird combination but it works for me.

Pastor Jay Halley from The Chapel in Akron, OH was the conference speaker and I’ll tell you what… talk about a guy who is on fire for the Lord and for Missions. I love that. Well, we got to see so many friends and really the best part was being hugged over and over again. I don’t know… there’s just something very special about our people in Maine. It just never goes away. In fact, as the months and years pass on, it just keeps growing stronger.

OK, so Carl and I are stretched thin as a rubber band with both of our sons graduating in just three weeks. It’s been tough holding onto Jesus’ hand through the experience for reasons that I won’t mention. I tell you what… we really need to pray for the children of the church and for those who want nothing to do with the church too. Graduation comes with a mixture of joy and sadness for us.

Still, I’m willing to say “Lord, you are my King and I’m not budging. I will follow you no matter what, regardless of my circumstances, regardless of what feels unfair, regardless of what comes my way.”

It was interesting in that today, someone wrote a note to Carl about me and it really was extremely kind. I knew right away that it had come from Jesus as an encouragement because right now, we’re just flat on our face over some of the choices our children have made and it’s not the first time we’ve been there.

Now, don’t get me wrong… there are good things going on with our kids too. For example, we just got word that Austin got a 99% (near perfect score) on the reading portion of the Florida FCAT for high school students. This ranks him in the top 1% of high school students when it comes to reading aptitude for the entire state. I mention this because I’ve had to take my share of hard knocks over home-schooling my kids and this just goes to show you that maybe it wasn’t all bad.

Our other two sons, the one’s graduating, are graduating with honors when it comes to grades. Carl and I like to selfishly take a little credit for trying to keep them focused and directed on their education. In this area of their lives, our energies have paid off. At least they will be able to survive in the current economy if they stay wise and alert to the need for advanced education or the like. Really, in the end, that’s up to them and on some level, we both find that to be a real relief.

So, I’m going to try and be better this week about posting updates about Carl and Austin. I’m quite sure that God knows all about it. I’ve got band aides on my heart right now to try and get through graduation in the way that God expects me too. One thing you guys can say about me is that I’ve never pretended to be someone who I’m not. You know… “Smile, smile… you’re on mission camera.”

In the end, I fully intend to get myself right off the floor if that is required and keep pressing ahead towards the needs of our current ministry and future ministry and will just let God take care of all the rest. He’s obviously more than capable. And yes, you can easily get off the floor to serve God and since God likes us better when we’re on the floor… as previously stated, I’m right where I need to be.

In Him alone,

~Gina for Arise Medical Missions (US)